Our services.


Breastfeeding Education - $190

(Telehealth Only)

We will discuss how the breasts produce milk and how breastfeeding work, breastfeeding barriers you may experience, plans you can put in place prior to delivery to help you and your baby prepare for success, skin-to-skin time, the benefits of breastfeeding and more!



Initial Visit- $190


Initial Visit - $265

We will work collaboratively on positioning the baby correctly for feeding and ensure that a good latch is achieved. We will check carefully to see if the baby is getting enough milk and teach various comfortable breastfeeding techniques, including methods for pumping and hand expression. Additionally, we will address issues related to sore nipples and make a point to track the baby's weight gain to ensure proper milk transfer and monitor oral mechanics effectively. Our focus will include reviewing both the mother and baby's detailed health histories while also observing breastfeeding sessions closely to provide tailored support.


Follow Up Visit - $190


Follow Up Visit - $265

We will continue to diligently work on addressing your breastfeeding challenges and finding effective solutions that support your needs.

Contact me directly at support@udderlovelactation.com if you have Georgia Medicaid.